Friday, June 22, 2007


Anas [ibn Mâlik] said:

One day when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and give him peace, was seated [amongst us], we saw him laughed and laughed until his teeth were showing. 'Umar asked: "What makes you laugh, O Messenger of God, you for whom I would give my own father and mother?" He replied:

Two men of my community were kneeling before the Lord of Might, ever exalted is He, and one of them said: "O my Lord, retrieve for me what my brother has wrongfully taken from me!"

He said [to the accused]: "Give back to your brother what you have wrongfully taken from him."

But my Lord," he replied, "nothing of merit has been left to me."

"Then my Lord," said [the first], "let him carry some of my burden.

The eyes of the Messenger of God, may God give him blessings and peace, filled with tears, and he said: "Indeed that is a fearful day, when people will need someone to carry part of their burden." Then he continued:

And God, ever mighty and majestic is He, said to the plaintiff: "Raise your head and look towards the Gardens of Paradise."

He raised his eyes and exclaimed: "My Lord, I see cities of silver and palaces of gold, crowned with pearls. To which prophet or martyr does it belong?"

God replied: "It belongs to whoever pays Me the price."

He asked: "And who, my Lord, will own it?"

God replied: "You will."

He asked: "But how shall I do that, my Lord?

God replied: "By pardoning your brother."

He said: "My Lord, I have already pardoned him!"

God, ever exalted is He, said: "Now take your brother by the hand, and lead him into Paradise."

Then the Messenger of God added:

"Fear God, and promote peace and reconciliation amongst yourselves, for surely God shall establish peace among the faithful on the Day of Resurrection."


enemy said...

He ain't heavy people! He's my Brother!

Beautiful indeed.
Relationship between two siblings.

I guess the one who learned to forgive others is the stronger person. (Remind me of the story you told about the guy who forgive others every night before he goes to sleep.) Hence that is why he is the one who will lead the other brother to the Paradise, right.

TheHoopoe said...


Sometimes it is not of our doing that we obtain Paradise, but it is the doing and prayer of those who loves us.

And as in this hadith, it is not necessarily by family members. It could be anyone whom love us for the sake of the Almighty. This gives us better hope and opportunity.

Indeed blessed are we to be Muslims. Alhamdulillah!

dew embun said...


Hey, I know that story too! (though don't think I heard it from Hoopoe...)
I try to do that every night...and save on my night cream to prevent ageing and wrinkles...

Helps to maintain youthful vitality and beauty (outer and inner) this pardoning of others is...

Yes, Alhamdulillah we are Muslims...

(my this juncture, I feel I am intruding between a personal exchange)

TheHoopoe said...

Don't worry dewbaby,

This is not a personal exchange :-)

Unknown said...

Great blog and great post. Thanks for sharing.
