Thursday, July 3, 2008

Worrying Too Much?

This brings up a crucial point that is worth a digression. Let me elaborate on it for a moment. You should know that if He (Allah) desires to strengthen people to bear what Divine decrees come over them, Allah clothes them in the illuminations of Divine attributes and qualities, enrobing them with Divine gifts and blessings. Know, that Allah sends down decrees upon them and at the same time conveys to them illuminations (helping them to bear the decrees). The ability to bear such decrees is from the Lord, not from within the people themselves! Thus, people are strengthened under every hardship and are able to endure every difficulty.

To cut to the pith you could say:

1. The dawning of the inner light helps make for us destiny’s weight light!

2. Opening the door of insight helps us bear Divine decrees might!

3. The advent of subtle gifts helps us bear afflictions rifts.

4. Acknowledging how wholesome is Allah’s choice empowers us to bear Divine decrees force.

5. Knowing that Allah knows our condition gives us patience with Allah’s decision.

6. Allah’s unveiling of Divine beauty eases our facing Allah’s actions with humane duty.

7. Knowing that patience leads to contentment lets us bear our fate without resentment.

8. Lifting the veils of alienation helps us endure Divine decrees without agitation.

9. Granting us the secrets of intimacy strengthens us to bear obligation’s gravity.

10. Knowing Divine goodness’ subtleties hidden in every difficulty gives us patience in high degrees to endure all Divine decrees.

These are ten ways of saying the same thing. They are ten means toward a single goal. Each way requires your patience and unflinching constancy in facing the Lord’s decrees, calling for strength when such decrees impact your life. Allah is the Generous giver of all of these qualities from endless Divine bounty (Fadl). Allah bestows support to those people who can discern, in confronting Divine decrees, the more subtle Divine concern.

... The Book of Illumination, Kitab al-Tanwir fi Isqat al-Iskandari, ibn 'Ata'Allah al-Iskandari

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are not having a hard time, you are not developing you character.