Friday, July 4, 2008

The Seminal Advice

The summary translation of the 11 seminal advice given by Habib Umar ibn Muhammad ibn Salim ibn Hafiz, a scholar and exponent of traditional Islam, given in the City of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, during the summer of 2004, as heard during the talk prior to Friday Sermon today at Sultan Mosque, Singapore delivered by Shaykh Khalil Moore.

1. Carefully study the Sirah (history of the Prophet);
2. Develop strong certainty (yaqin);
3. Display rapport & composure;
4. Devote yourself to remembrance (zikr);
5. Be not affected by events/incidences;
6. Have firm resolve;
7. Focus on Divine acceptance;
8. Look after your family;
9. Make Allah your goal;
10. Respect all scholars & show graciousness to humanity; and
11. Fervently ask for forgiveness.

1 comment:

Lampu said...

Thank you! He mentioned this last night and told us to seek it from his blog. I wonder what he has against the String Theory. Any idea? :)