Friday, May 9, 2008

In The Middle Of The Night

"O Youth!
The advice is easy, the difficulty is accepting it, since it is bitter in the taste of the follower of passionate desire, because prohibited things are cherished in their hearts; especially whoever is seek­ing formal knowledge and is busying himself about excellence of [science and] the improvement of the soul [and jurisprudence] and the praises of the present world, for he accounts that knowledge alone is a means in which will be his safety and his salvation, and that he can get along without work; and this is the belief of the philosophers.

Praise the Great God!
He does not know this much, that when he acquires knowl­edge, if he does not work according to it, the indictment against him is certain. As the Apostle of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said "The person most severely punished in the day of resurrection is the learned one whom Allah the Exalted does not benefit by reason of his knowledge."

It is told that Junayd, the mercy of Allah (be upon him), appeared in a dream after his death, and it was said to him, "What is the news, O Abu Qasim?" He replied, "Perished are the explanations, and vanished are the allusions, nothing benefited us except the prostra­tions which we made in the middle of the night."

... O Beloved Son, Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali

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