Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cook Over Archuleta

So, the voting American public did not agree with me. Cook won over Archuleta this morning.

But as Simon said: both are winners. And as I said: the journey has only just begun. Congratulations to all! I will be there to catch the action live next year :)


mrsloke said...

I am a Cook fan, so I am so happy and gumbira! Tee Hee... I know he will win definitely because he has been so original from the beginning of AI this season.

Plus, I think Cook won also because of Simon poor comments on Cook's performance last night. That caused Cook's fans to vote much harder for him! He he. Thank you Simon Cowell!

Anonymous said...

Cook was deep fried by Archulleta but the voters decided to add caramel on the fried Cook resulting in his victory.

The voters cannot be trusted. They go for packaging instead of the quality inside. This is the same voters who will vote for the american presidential election soon. Now we all know how that's gonna turn out.

Al-Majnun said...

haha... one disappointed archie fan there.

well, to be fair, although archie did have a better final night, cook has shown more variety and originality throughout the competition... while archie is more like a one-trick pony with his balladic styles. so if you ask me, cook deserves the opportunity to be explored and pushed to a higher platform because he has better potential.

BUT i would have preferred archie to win, just so that cook can enjoy more success. American Idol management of her winners hasn't exactly been fantastic. So cook might have just gotten the short end of the stick...

A Minah Speaks said...

I'm a disappointed archie fan as well.. sniff sniff....

So someone's off to Hollywood to catch AI live eh? Enjoy dia yer....