Friday, July 13, 2007

Supplication At Hijr Ismail

Missing it all and remembering Hajj ... and praying I will be back there again soon - and hope the beauty will inspire others to fulfil their obligation as soon as they practically can. Amin.

According to Anas, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: "The person who offers 40 prayers consecutively in my mosque, without missing a prayer in between, will secure immunity from the fire of Hell and other torments and also from hypocrisy." (Ahmad)

And supplicating at Hijr Ismail after tawaf:

O Allah, You are my God there is no God but You. You have Created me, I am Your servant, and I observe Your Command as well as I can. I seek refuge with You from the evil of what I had wrought. I turn to You with Your Favours to me, and I turn to You with my sins, so Forgive me for none can forgive sins except You.

O Allah, I ask of You all Good which Your righteous servants begged of You, and I seek refuge with You from the evil against which Your righteous servants sought Your refuge.

O Allah, with Your Beautiful Names, and Your High Qualities, Purify our hearts from all qualities that alienate us from You and Your Love. And let us die following the Ways of the followers of Sunnah and Jamaah, yearning to Meet You, O Possessor of Glory and Honour..

O Allah, enlighten my heart with Knowledge, enable my body to do deeds in obedience to you. Save me from trials in my secrecy. And let my thoughts be busy contemplating and learning from the examples of others. Safe-guard me from the evil of the whisperings of Satan and Protect me from him, O Most Merciful, until he has no authority over me.

O Allah, We have indeed believed, so Forgive our sins and Save us from the torment of Hell-Fire.


ghoose said...

Amin amin Ya Rabbalalamin.

IAmZeroZero! said...


Lampu said...

You brought back memories.........
I wanted desperately to be 'travelocked' in Masjidil Haram. It flooded on my last day there cus I know my heart will go astray once I stepped out of it.
In Masjidil Aqsa.... tornado struck instead. I was thrown off balance and I brought home contempt. I wish to revisit to return it back. :-)

enemy said...

I remember going for a talk, the Sheikh said that the journey doesnt start at the airport or when you there. Its when one decide and have the intention to embark on the journey. However it wont be easy there will be test...Just like "the valley of Quest"....

Need to set a date. I want in and i want it...Pray for me, pls...

Anonymous said...


How very true. My own experience was reflective of your description above.

May your heart be filled with the sincere desire to go. Inshallah, it will happen for you.


Anonymous said...

Happy Hajjing for those who wanted it wholeheartedly.

Anonymous said...

Ameen... may Allah swt open the doors of our hearts and make it easy for all of us

IAmZeroZero! said...


TheHoopoe said...


Once you have been there and "tasted" the sweetness, it is always inside of you to rekindle whenever you miss being there.

I know, I know ... I should say that to myself too, but it beats being there physically, despite.

Amin to all our prayers to have our names being called to visit and perform the Hajj/Umrah again. And perhaps, all of us friends can go there together. That would be a bliss...


TheHoopoe said...

Amin to all your prayers above.

Hajj is not the physical actions of just being there and performing the prescribed deeds, but it is a symbol of the perfection of our Arkanul Islam. For without it, our personal Islam is not yet perfected.

And hence, in the rituals of Hajj, you will find the embodiment and practice of all that you have done in your Muslim life is really, to go for Hajj.

For in Hajj, there is your Syahadah, your prayers, your zakat and most importantly, your fasting - all not in the literal sense of the deeds.

It is a culmination of all that you have prepared for a lifetime to go...

Anonymous said...

my journey was purely by "accident". i never thought that i would be doing hajj so "early". Alhamdullilah, for the reason that only He knows, i performed hajj and the feeling was probably similar to being reborn again. It has been 10 years since. Some prayers were answered almost immediately, Alhamdullilah. While others a little later and a couple have yet to be answered, only He knows the reason why.

a life changing trip recommended for all who thinks that your are still too young to be on this journey.

TheHoopoe said...

It is said that Allah makes a personal invitation to someone who will perform the Hajj for the year. Let's pray that we will be in Allah's guest list soon.

And, please do so when you are young, strong and healthy. I have met enough elderly pilgrims who cried out of their physical inability to perform the rigorous rituals whilst they watch others perfect theirs.