Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Wedding

The person who has kept me in shape this past month is getting married this weekend. Our relationship has gone from trainer-trainee to friends who have cheesecakes. The closeness has made the choice of a wedding gift so much harder....sigh

Anyway, here is a preliminary dedication for the happy couple. Wishing you both happiness in the warmth of each other's company down your journey of life, together. May this union be full of happiness and your everyday a day in paradise. The journey will be as beautiful as you both will make it, together ... (and I will be without a trainer to bark at me for the next 2 weeks ... lol)

May the blessings which flow in all weddings
be gathered, God, together in our wedding!
The blessings of the Night of Power,
the month of fasting
the festival to break the fast
the blessings of the meeting of Adam and Eve
the blessings of the meeting of Joseph and Jacob
the blessings of gazing on the paradise of all abodes
and yet another blessing which cannot be put in words:
the fruitful scattering of joy
of the children of the Shayak
and our eldest!

In companionship and happiness
may you be like milk and honey
in union and fidelity,
just like sugar and halva.
May the blessings of those who toast
and the one who pours the wine
anoint the ones who said Amen and
the one who said the prayer.

... Mevlana Jalalludin Rumi,
Rumi-Past and Present, East and West

1 comment:

Richard C. Lambert said...

Anyway, here is a preliminary dedication for the happy couple. Wishing you both happiness in the warmth of each other's company down your journey of life, together. May this union be full of happiness and your everyday a day in paradise. The journey will be as beautiful as you both will make it, together ... (and I will be without a trainer to bark at me for thfather daughter dance songs