Sunday, January 20, 2008

Disini Untukmu

This will be an odd entry - in terms of language. Since I have been introduced to this Indonesian band Ungu many moons ago, I have been unashamedly a big fan of this talented band. Their songs are truly great - bands, the likes of Peter Pan, Padi and Dewa now pales in comparison :)

Just listen to songs such as Demi Waktu, Kekasih Gelapku, Aku Bukan Pilihanmu, Tercipta Untukku (my favourite), Andai Ku Tahu etc

But as my last song entry for the day, I wish to share this song that introduced me to Ungu: Disini Untukmu (Here For You) - a soundtrack taken from the movie Coklat & Stroberi (Chocolate & Strawberry) released last year. Wonderful song ...


Anonymous said...

Lagu bagus ni.. one of my fav.. lagu yang khusus diciptakan oleh k’Enda. Video klipnya lagu ini, UNGU syuting klipnya tengah malam, di saat orang2 lagi pada bo2, palagi di sini Pasha harus lari2 disepanjang terowongan, tengah malam lagi. Ya, tapi pengorbanan UNGU, nggak sia2. Lagu2 mereka topz abizzzz.. Bikin gue ketagihan lho untuk dengerinnya..

Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a Malay/Indonesian bands fan, but when I listened to this song, I was moved. Thank you for introducing it to me. I'll be looking out for their songs from now on. :-)

TheHoopoe said...


not sure whether you understand bahasa. the lyrics are, btw, great too :)