Monday, May 7, 2007

Dear Beloved Son: On Knowledge

"To counsel others is an easy matter, the difficulty is accepting advice since it is bitter for those who follow their own inclinations and desires. They love the forbidden from the depth of their hearts. This is more applicable to seekers of knowledge and students of learning, those of them who are busy in the grace of spirits and the benefits of this world.

They believe that mere abstract knowledge, without proper action, will rescue them. This is the belief of the philosophers. Praise and Glory be to Allah, The Greatest of all. They do not know this much, that when they acquire knowledge, if they do not work according to it, the indictment against them is certain.

The Messenger of Allah said: "The person most severely punished on the Day of Judgment is the learned one who did not follow Allah's guidance and did not benefit from his knowledge."

It has been narrated that someone saw al-Junayd after his death in a dream. Al-Junayd was asked: "What news do you have Abal Qasim?" he replied: "Perished are the speeches and vanished are the allusions, nothing benefitted us except the prostrations which we made in the middle of the night."


Anonymous said...

Have been very busy lately, here am taking some time off to reflect. Especially this posting on knowledge, which make me think. Its not how much I know its what I have done with what I know. You are what you choose.

Miss the class yesterday, the only remedy that I can afford right now is you blog Dear Hoopoe.

Warmest regard from your student.

TheHoopoe said...


Wishing you all the best for your master's thesis... And apply them when you can, either through your own art work or when you are lecturing to your class.

What you have benefitted through your thesis and qualifications, can also be benefitted by your students under you and by those who will be watching your art exhibition within the year or two, insya-Allah.

Some of us are fortunate to have been chosen by Allah to be His Instrument to share the beauty with the rest of the world of this World which He Creates.

Don't keep those special blessings He gave to yourself :-)


Anonymous said...


I hope this book is still on your "Wish to teach list".