Sunday, March 23, 2008

One Year On...

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song" ... Maya Angelou

Alhamdulillah... What seemed to be a blink of an eye - a passage of one full year has passed since I began this Blog. As I re-read my past entries, I saw my life passed by in a flash.

Beyond what may seemingly be entries on sharing of books read, movies watched or even songs sung - therein lies some reasons why those entries were made - known only personally to me. In the public sphere, they may appear as entries detached from personal experiences. It is far from reality.

As I recounted events that have occurred over the past year, with the help of those entries, I realised how much things can happen to oneself without one realising them. And I am grateful to those friends who have convinced me to start this Blog as those memories were immortalised in these entries. I see myself grow from those experiences. And I remember. And I try to be better, insya-Allah.

"Every artist was first an amateur" ... Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, in this entry on my first birthday as a Blogger, I wish to thank all those who have visited this Blog, read the entries and kindly left comments on them. I do wish that you will come by regularly and share with us your experiences so that we can all be enriched by the colours of our varied lives.

By the end of this year, there will be many more passages and journeys which I will undertake and most of them will be new experiences. It will be exciting times ahead, insya-Allah. Let us pray for our successes and for strengths to overcome our challenges in life. There will be friends whom I may have lost contact or due to various reasons we may not be able to meet in the future, so this Blog will serve as our common platform and forum to help update each other on our personal developments.

Thankfully, there are still many "songs" for me to sing, and I hope that I am able to continue singing them, and to sing them well. In the interim, I will end here and leave you with this wonderful quotation that I hold deep in my heart - and according to Robert Frost's famous poem which I have quoted earlier in my entry: that has made the world of a difference, especially to me in my life.

"You see things; and you say 'Why?'
But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?"
... George Bernard Shaw


Lampu said...

My heart is smiling.
I went to your first entry. Wow. That's the longest first entry I have ever read... especially from an introvert. hahaha
Anyway. Congratulations. Yes. Learnt a lot from your blog.
And...thanks to blogs :)

TheHoopoe said...

alhamdulillah, smiling is a charity in Islam. so, continue smiling too :)

it was a long entry as i felt i need to explain the why, what hoopoe mean, what odyssey signifies for me etc etc ... i am long-winded. lol

yup .... many journeys have been undertaken, so many developments have taken place.

alhamdulillah :)

Al-Majnun said...

i am but a recent migrant crossing paths with the hoopoe, and yet i have learnt so much from the flight of the bird... many thanks to you... and may Allah always give His Blessings upon you, and raise your station among the learned and favoured...

Bonne anniversaire teacher!

TheHoopoe said...

thank you for your kind words.

in reality, we are all migratory birds, moving from one place to another, from one station to another. and from those journeys, we share them with those around us. that experience makes us richer than what we deserve.

as in migratory birds, they always fly in groups - and so do we. we need each other's help, support and encouragement - albeit not directly sometimes - but nonetheless still in our own small ways.

but despite, that journey is still our own to call.

keep on flying ...

Anonymous said...

Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to? Do you know?
Do you get what you're hoping for,
When you look behind you theres no open door?
What are you hoping for? Do you know?

Happy Blogger Birthday.

Anonymous said...


It's been a year?
I feel like tearing up, ya akhi...

I have grown and become.

Thank you for your blog.

-The-Shy-One-No-More-but-nameless-still :)

TheHoopoe said...

Yes, it has been one full year - and many years ahead, insya-Allah.

In that period, we have all grown, and perhaps grown together, and insya-Allah, become.

A blog is not a blog if there are no readers/contributors. So, Thank You to you too, and to the rest of the readers who are silent still.

I am, because of you :)